We create growth

Fortuna Partners is a strongly growing company founded in 2007. It provides services of business consulting, and makes investments to businesses in the start-up and seed phases.

As an investor, we emphasize the role of our team as an active, long-term support for the growing company.

Our competence is based on the long and versatile experience in entrepreneurship that our team members have, as well as on the local presence in the European and Asian markets. We have gained our experience with the market leaders of Medical & Healthcare and ICT businesses and taken several companies and innovations to international success. The tens of millions of Euros of invested capital in our innovations and businesses prove the international interest awakened by our success stories.

Our expertise in the Medical & Healthcare and ICT businesses covers, among others, medical devices, wellness technology, applications and services, as well as wireless and embedded devices. When building and developing businesses, we consider the aspects of developing and producing software, embedded software, electronics, mechanics, and optics, as well as their impact on the cost structure and profitability of a product. We also have experience in services based on Internet or mobile technology, and building different service concepts.

Our references as an active capital investor include:
A company in start-up phase providing development services of Internet and mobile software

Founding the company together with Fortuna Partners at the beginning of 2007

  • Founding the company, defining the business strategy for growth, being a sparring partner
  • 60 % of the customers come directly from our business networks
  • Developing internal quality and processes
  • A merger with a bigger software house at the end of 2007

The valuation of the company 1 Jan 2007: 2.500 EUR
Yrityksen arvo (osakemyynti) 17.12.2007: 300 000 EUR

A service company in the early growing phase
  • Our ownership in the company started at the beginning of 2007
  • Negotiating and implementing a business deal that supported the growth
  • Productization of services and planning for sales
  • Financial planning and funding arrangements for an acquisition
The development of the business:

We want to be creating more success stories for growing companies!
Discover your success and contact us »

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